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Nov 14 Nov 14
Nov 14 Nov 14

Grande Clue

Join us, November 26 for Grande Clue, a mystery wine dinner featuring wines from Rosehall Run and Closson Chase.

An exceptional, seasonal five-course dinner from our very own Chef Albert Ponzo. Each course will be paired with wines from both Rosehall Run and Closson Chase, tasted blind. 

Test your local terroir knowledge – with some hits from our winemakers – to identify the wines in a Clue-style mystery.

A Grande Prize will be awarded to the individual that demonstrates the most accurate knowledge, consisting of a one-night stay, her at The Royal and an assorted case of our mystery wines. 

Guests of the dinner will receive generous rates to stay in one of our well-appointed rooms, where every detail has been considered. 

Purchase your tickets here – Please note ticket price includes gratuity, tax and service fees.

We look forward to hosting you!